
From celebrities to people who have inspired a change in someone’s life, the People section aims to showcase the raw, the good and the human side of ordinary folks taking the path less travelled.



Living with Blindness: Josh Tseng’s Story of Grit & Determination

Meet Josh Tseng, a visually impaired digital accessibility specialist and keynote speaker who does not let his disability be an obstacle toin the pursuitng of his goals. CHERYL JUAN chats with him to find out more about how he overcame his struggles and achieved many things beyond expectations.

Yes, Women Can Do It Too

Yes, Women Can Do It Too

As society’s views progress over time, an increasing number of young women are breaking into traditionally male-dominated professions. Genevieve Sia speaks to three women who are changing the scene.

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Hiding Behind A Mask

Hiding Behind A Mask

As the world wears a mask to protect against the novel coronavirus, Charleen Leonita investigates if wearing a mask alters our identities and how we are perceived by others.

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